Bite Size Tech: Mercedes WO5 Splitter

Having used a fairly simple design for the splitter on the W05 thus far it was no surprise to see the team install a new one at the last test. The new splitter features an assortment of sections and fences that will help to both collate, re-purpose and generate of it's own, vortices that will be used by the floor and diffuser downstream of it (old splitter in top left inset). 

As we know the splitters purpose is not only to direct the airflow it receives around the sidepods or condition it for the floor/diffuser but to house the plank. This is an important job as if it's worn beyond the FIA's limit at any of the 7 pre determined holes, it can lead to the exclusion of the driver from the race standings. With this in mind Mercedes (not exclusively) looking to continue the quest to run with as much rake angle as they can achieve (rake is the nose down attitude of the car, allowing the diffuser more expansion and therefore downforce) the team have also added a very thin vertical stay (mounted to the underside of the chassis and top of the diffuser).